Prior to booking your initial consultation, please call me for a free informal chat about your requirements and expectations. If I think that nutritional therapy isn’t the right course of action for you I will advise accordingly.
Although The Oak Suite where my clinic is based is within The Beacon Medical Centre, I am a private practitioner so I work independently from the NHS. Some private healthcare policies do cover nutritional therapy.
Physiotherapists, osteopaths, massage and beauty therapists - to name but a few, all charge a minimum of approximately £40 an hour.
The price of an initial consultation package consisting of a 90 minute initial consultation, bespoke diet and lifestyle plan, a 45 minute implementation consultation and a 45 minute follow up consultation is based on at least 3 and a half hours in clinic and a minimum of 5 hours to research and put together the plan.
When you consider the price of gym memberships, cosmetics, a day at a spa, the fuel and maintenance on your car or a weekend away - doesn't it make sense to invest in some changes that will benefit you for years to come?
Yes! If you are booking more than one consultation, ask about the option to spread the cost with an instalment plan. You could end up paying as little as £25 a week from the time of booking to your follow up consultation.
Although there are a lot of similarities each have their own method of practise and separate governing bodies. The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) has described the similarities and differences here:
I am a registered Nutritional Therapist with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and a member of The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) – formerly The British Association of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy.
I am committed to maintaining the highest professional standards in nutritional therapy that is accountable and evidence-based. This includes adherence to my association’s codes of practice and ethics.
As part of my terms of engagement you are required to give me permission to speak to contact GP if necessary. If you are undergoing treatment for an existing condition or taking medication, then any changes to your treatment or medication can only be carried out by your GP.
I will not recommend any supplements or dietary changes without checking for any possible contraindications with your medication and I would recommend that your GP is kept informed of any changes you make following the consultation.
If during your consultation or on your pre appointment questionnaire you report any ‘red flag’ symptoms, I will recommend that you see your GP as soon as possible.
Yes, I am happy to visit in your own home for no extra charge within a 5 mile radius of Sidmouth. I’m happy to travel further afield but travel expenses will be added to the price. Consultations by video link e.g. Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp are possible and can be discussed on an individual basis.
Functional testing can be a valuable tool in assessing your current health and deciding a course of action, but it is by no means compulsory. If I feel that testing may be of benefit to you, I will discuss your options as some tests can be expensive. Any testing that you choose to undertake will be charged separately and payment made directly to an external laboratory.
Put simply, No. It is not my intention to force you to eat healthily, but rather to find a way to work with you to improve your diet and lifestyle in ways that are enjoyable for you. Eating the right food can and should be a pleasurable experience.
Long term exclusion diets are not always necessary, but the short term removal of certain trigger foods can help the body to heal. My intention is to allow my clients to eat a varied diet without having to avoid the foods they enjoy.
In some cases I will recommend the use of supplements. This is usually in the short term to boost nutrient status in those clients with obvious deficiencies or ailments. The supplements that I recommend are well researched and from high quality suppliers and in most cases I am able to pass on my practitioner's discount to my clients. It is not my intention to make money from selling supplements.
In order to retain my CNHC & BANT memberships and my professional insurance, I am required to carry out a minimum of 20 hours of continual professional development (CPD) per year and do so by attending accredited seminars and conferences and a voluntary role as an assistant clinic supervisor at The College of Naturopathic medicine.
I regularly review the latest research and journals and maintain links with my peers within nutrition to maintain a high level of practise and reflect on any issues
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